February 2016

UTEP Physics dept seminar Spring 2016

Date:April 1,2016

Neutron Field Study by Nuclear Track Methodology at Fusion RFX-facility

Laszlo Sajo-Bohus

Universidad Simón Bolívar, Lab. de Fisica Nuclear, Caracas 1080A, Venezuela

Libxc dX40 testing using PW91

Here is comparison of potmix, hammix, and Libxc using PW91 functional and dX40 testing set. Potmix uses builtin PW91 and potential mixing. Hammix uses builtin PW91 and Hamiltonian mixing. Finally, Libxc uses Libxc PW91 and Hamiltonian mixing.

Dr. Gloria Cardenas-Jiron visit us

Dr. Gloria Cardenas-Jiron from the Universidad de Santiago, Chile visited our lab from Feb. 14 to Feb. 20. She presented a seminar entitled:How can we model photo sensitization, redox and charge transport properties of porphyrins and pthalocyanines?

Kamal presents at the joint UTEP/NMSU colloqium

Lab member Kamal Nyaupane presented a poster at the joint UTEP/NMSU colloquium on applied mathematics and computational science on November 7, 2015

The poster was titled: "Electronic structure of magnetic endohedral fullerenes"