Electronic Structure Lab

General interests of the group are understanding the electronic structure of materials using density functional theory. The group works on software development, theory, and applications. Current interests include charge transfer excitations in donor acceptor complexes (organic photovolatics), linear and non linear polarizabilities of molecules.
JPCA Supplementary Cover: Study of Self-Interaction Errors in Density Functional Calculations of Magnetic Exchange Coupling Constants
General interests of the group are understanding the electronic structure of materials using density functional theory. The group works on software development, theory, and applications. Current interests include charge transfer excitations in donor acceptor complexes (organic photovolatics), linear and non linear polarizabilities of molecules.
Study of water polarizability (article published on J. Chem. Phys.)
General interests of the group are understanding the electronic structure of materials using density functional theory. The group works on software development, theory, and applications. Current interests include charge transfer excitations in donor acceptor complexes (organic photovolatics), linear and non linear polarizabilities of molecules.
Our LSIC project is on the US Dept. of Energy science highlights
General interests of the group are understanding the electronic structure of materials using density functional theory. The group works on software development, theory, and applications. Current interests include charge transfer excitations in donor acceptor complexes (organic photovolatics), linear and non linear polarizabilities of molecules.
Electronic structure research group team
General interests of the group are understanding the electronic structure of materials using density functional theory. The group works on software development, theory, and applications. Current interests include charge transfer excitations in donor acceptor complexes (organic photovolatics), linear and non linear polarizabilities of molecules.
Electronic structure research team (2020)
General interests of the group are understanding the electronic structure of materials using density functional theory. The group works on software development, theory, and applications. Current interests include charge transfer excitations in donor acceptor complexes (organic photovolatics), linear and non linear polarizabilities of molecules.
Water cluster anions: assessing the effect of self-interaction errors in negatively charged water molecules. Journal cover.
General interests of the group are understanding the electronic structure of materials using density functional theory. The group works on software development, theory, and applications. Current interests include charge transfer excitations in donor acceptor complexes (organic photovolatics), linear and non linear polarizabilities of molecules.
Multi-chromophoric organic heptad antenna
General interests of the group are understanding the electronic structure of materials using density functional theory. The group works on software development, theory, and applications. Current interests include charge transfer excitations in donor acceptor complexes (organic photovolatics), linear and non linear polarizabilities of molecules.
Fermi-Löwdin orbital self-interaction correction (FLOSIC) center. One of several Computational Chemical Sciences Centers funded by the US Department of Energy.
General interests of the group are understanding the electronic structure of materials using density functional theory. The group works on software development, theory, and applications. Current interests include charge transfer excitations in donor acceptor complexes (organic photovolatics), linear and non linear polarizabilities of molecules.
Local self-interaction correction: the modification to PZSIC to improve the performance of SIC calculations. JCP Editors’ Choice 2019.

Organic solar cells video

Check out this video of the production of organic solar cells:


Ember Sikorski awarded Honorable Mention

Ember Sikorski, member of the Electronic Structure Lab was awarded an honorable mention for Undergraduate Research Poster Presentation during the 2014 UTEP COURI Symposium on April 26, 2014.

Congratulations Ember!

Dr. Perla Balbuena visits us!

Dr. Perla Balbuena from Texas A&M in College Station, visited the physics department Friday April 4, she gave a talk in the physics department seminar.
Her talk was titled: "Modeling solid-electrolytes in interfacial reactions relevant to Li-ion batteries".

Elctronic Structure Lab members in Abilene

Marina Paggen, Fatemeh Amerikheirabadi, Shusil Bhusal and Carlos Diaz presented posters during the joint APS, AAPT section meeting in Abilene, TX on March 20-22.

Using the NRLMOL repository

In order to obtain a copy of NRLMOL from the repository you must follow this instructions:

How to mount a remote filesystem

As stated earlier this applies to Linux users, if you use Windows, you can log into quantum and follow this tutorial from there.

sshfs will mount a remote file system to a directory on your local machine, this wall you don't need to log in to that machine and you local machine "sees" you remote files as local.


How to setup passwordless ssh

This article will explain a way to connect to remote machines without a password.

Note to Windows users: Since this applies to Linux machines you will have to log in with putty to quantum, and set up the passowordless ssh to remote machines from there. This may seem impractical, but it's actually a required step for sshfs (to be covered in the next article).

Using the Stampede cluster

In order to submit jobs in the Stampede cluster at the Texas Advanced Computer Center, you must compile the code there.
In the Makefile:
Make sure that you use the mpif90 compiler.
Uncomment the TACC section in the linking options.
There's no need to load the mkl and/or scalapack module (like in the Lonestar cluster), here they are loaded automatically.
Submitting Jobs
This cluster uses the SLURM batch system, the commands are a little different.
Here is a sample job script from the TACC website:

Sparsity of Hamiltonian and overlap matrices

We are currently running tests to implement Scalapack, and are jotting down the percentage of zeros in the test system (a zero is considered when its < 1e-8), the test system is Sc3N@C80-Phtalocyanine.
For the Hamiltonian matrix: out of 11,117,970 upper triangular elements, 5,009,259 correspond to zeros (45%)
For the overlap matrix 5,384,683 are zeros (48%)

How to run a job with less processors than a full node in Hopper

The Hopper system at NERSC has 24 processors per node, usually we just submit jobs using full node usage for example:

#PBS -q regular
#PBS -l mppwidth=256
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
#PBS -N 256_job
#PBS -e $PBS_JOBID.err
#PBS -o $PBS_JOBID.out
echo "Changing to workdir $PBS_O_WORKDIR"
echo "listing workdir contents"
ls -ltr
aprun -n 256 ./cluster > log.txt


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