In order to obtain a copy of NRLMOL from the repository you must follow this instructions:
- In a teriminal window, position yourself where the code will be checked out from the repository (the directory that contains the code will be generated automatically).
- Enter the command:
svn co svn+ssh://
Use the command:
svn co svn+ssh://
to get the NRLMOL gui
- Enter the password for user in (It will ask for it twice).
- This should copy the latest code from the repository into a directory called nrlmol (or gui).
- You may now compile the code by calling:
(changes may be needed in the Makefile). Since this only checks out the source code, there's no need to initially call:
make clean
- Whenever changes in the code are done, the files in the repository modified, so you need to update your code, you do this by executing:
svn update
This updates your code to the lastest version in the repository.
- If you want to see the change log for the code execute:
svn log
- To check the files you may have modified execute:
svn status
Which would confirm if you are using the same code as in the repository
- You can also modify the source code and submit the canges to the repository by executing:
svn commit -m"message"
Where message is a text message of what changes you did (this will be kept in the change log).
Get approval for the submission from Dr Zope or Dr. Baruah!