To process charge of polarizability; that is, show the color of each atom in the molecule in the structure according to its polararizability .
For this we need:
1.- The adious.out file which contain the polarizability of the molecule which is listed according to the contribution due to each atom.
2.- The gemoetry (.xyz) file
3.- A python script called , it can be downloaded here
Now we can put these three files in a directory then we have to run:
./ Sc3NC68_6140_adious.out -4 7
After running this command, we will get the file.
If we plot it using jmol, we will get the structure which contains color information.
To see the color select the file option in the jmol window then go to the console, where you need to type the command: color atom partialcharge
which help to show the color of the atom according to their charge.