Tutorial 3 Electronic structure of the C60 moleculeΒΆ

This tutorial will explain use of NRLMOL to study the electronic structure of C60 molecule. The C60 molecule is spherical carbon molecule - also called bucky ball. It was found in the laboratory at Rice university in 1985 by Harold Kroto, James R. Heath, Sean O’Brien, Robert Curl, and Richard Smalley. The 1996 nobel prize was awarded to Kroto, Curl and Smalley for the discovery of C60 and related molecules. This molecule posses very high symmetry- icosahedral symmetry.


We will make use of this symmetry in our calculations. All carbon atoms in C60 are equivalent to each other, that is, once the position of one carbon atom is specified the position of remaining carbon atoms can be obtained using the point group operations of the icosahedral group. This tutorial will explain how to accomplish this and make use of symmetry to simplify the calculations.

We assume that the code us compiled with appropriate set of parameters needed for arrays. The following set of parameters will work.

        IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z)
        PARAMETER ( MX_PROC=          40)
        PARAMETER ( MXSPN=           1)
        PARAMETER ( MAX_PTS=      100000)
        PARAMETER ( MAX_FUSET=           2)
        PARAMETER ( MAX_IDENT=          10)
        PARAMETER ( MX_CNT=         60)
        PARAMETER ( NMUPMAX=           7)
        PARAMETER ( MAX_BARE=          30)
        PARAMETER ( MAX_CON=          12)
        PARAMETER ( MAX_OCC=        2400)
        PARAMETER ( MAXUNSYM=          55)
        PARAMETER ( NDH=        1500)
        PARAMETER ( NDH_TOT=     1126500)
        PARAMETER ( MX_GRP=         120)
        PARAMETER ( MAX_REP=          10)
        PARAMETER ( MAXSLC=        3300)
        PARAMETER ( LOCMAX=         360)
        PARAMETER ( ISMAX=          32)
        PARAMETER ( MAXSYMSALC=          32)
        PARAMETER ( MXRPSP=         100)
        PARAMETER ( MXPTAB=         100)
        PARAMETER ( MXLPSP=           2)
        PARAMETER ( MXKPT=           1)
        PARAMETER ( MPBLOCK=         100)
        PARAMETER ( MXPOISS=         100)
        PARAMETER ( NSPEED=          25)
        PARAMETER ( LDIM=           3)
        PARAMETER ( CUTEXP=   40.00000000000000     )
        PARAMETER ( MX_SPH=        1000)
        PARAMETER ( MAX_VIRT_PER_SYM=         500)
        PARAMETER ( MAXGFIT=          15)
        PARAMETER ( MAXLSQF=          50)
        PARAMETER ( MTEMP=       60000 )
        PARAMETER ( KRHOG=          10 )

As you know by now, CLUSTER file is the main input file of NRLMOL. For C60 the CLUSTER file is

IH                       (TD, OH, IH, X, Y, XY, ... OR GRP)
1                        (NUMBER OF INEQUIV. ATOMS IN CH4)
0.000000  6.579993  1.321695   6 ALL
0.0 0.0                  (NET CHARGE AND NET SPIN)

Note that we have only one atom listed and the point group is listed to be Ih. If you are using point group symmetry then only positions of inequivalent atoms need to be listed. The NRLMOL will generate full geometry of the system using the point group operations. It is strongly recommended that you visualize the geometry generated - XMOL.DAT or XMOL.xyz files using molecular viewer such as JMOL or MOLEKEL or any other of your choice.

Now run the calculation.


$ ./cluster > print.SCF

Open the GEOCNVRG file and write down the energy. It should be

 ENERGY=   -2284.358327861622     
 TOTAL GRADIENT=   6.9943783981219765E-005
 LARGEST NUCLEAR GRADIENT=   6.9943783981219765E-005

and the forces are

               -2284.3583278616     1 Energy and Symbol NCALC
           0.00000000           6.57999300           1.32169500   6   6
   0.000000000000D+00  -0.934955152640D-05  -0.693160789707D-04  <--- MAX-FORCE
  -0.213162820728D-13   0.710542735760D-14   0.213162820728D-13
   0.000000000000D+00   0.000000000000D+00   0.000000000000D+00

Note that forces on only one atom (inequivalent) are listed.

The eigenvalues are stored in file called “EVALUES”. Please inspect it. Look at the degeneracy of the eigenvalues. Identify HOMO, LUMO etc. The file is also displayed below for your convenience.

This is an abridged file containing eigenvalues of C60.

 ********* NEW TRY ************, SPIN:            1
 REP:            1 DIM:            1 NUMBER OF BASES:           25
            1          25
   -9.942805     -0.8997024     -0.5549701     -0.4479115     -0.1991965E-01
   0.6689239E-01  0.1684883      0.4065947      0.4303353      0.4932246    
   0.6197493      0.8237995       1.064748       1.332207       1.589216    
 REP:            2 DIM:            3 NUMBER OF BASES:           60
            3          60
   -9.942771      -9.942283     -0.8811058     -0.6511179     -0.4751674    
  -0.4263302     -0.1540616      0.2963368E-01  0.7381854E-01  0.1399013    
   0.1454381      0.2194449      0.2953231      0.4100078      0.4159666    
   0.5064494      0.5198368      0.5662745      0.6077245      0.6927512    
   0.8485903      0.9020563      0.9212636      0.9778088       1.120618    
 REP:            3 DIM:            5 NUMBER OF BASES:           95
            5          95
   -9.942707      -9.942522      -9.942192     -0.8455306     -0.7306929    
  -0.5751889     -0.4086972     -0.3857767     -0.3299505     -0.2612101    
  -0.7485659E-01  0.5984700E-01  0.9606631E-01  0.1289818      0.1606308    
   0.2017960      0.2727632      0.3200607      0.3361940      0.3987439    
   0.4505640      0.4721895      0.4830797      0.4905669      0.5863982    
   0.5938349      0.6509424      0.6840220      0.6948194      0.8087404    
   0.8537736      0.9215714      0.9419371      0.9592563      0.9766250    
 REP:            4 DIM:            3 NUMBER OF BASES:           60
            3          60
   -9.942610      -9.942173     -0.8087070     -0.6119900     -0.4521482    
  -0.3383461     -0.8228363E-01  0.8985531E-01  0.1057484      0.1731967    
   0.2351114      0.3167932      0.4029469      0.4170402      0.4388469    
   0.5078198      0.5737927      0.6229951      0.7266742      0.7936461    
   0.9151430      0.9266100      0.9995002       1.073048       1.199648    
 REP:            5 DIM:            4 NUMBER OF BASES:           70
            4          70
   -9.942629      -9.941986     -0.7771414     -0.4280769     -0.3666027    
  -0.3181925      0.1970728E-01  0.8832295E-01  0.1412645      0.2453531    
   0.3710384      0.3930982      0.4018634      0.4195257      0.5115655    
   0.5622322      0.5934607      0.6458433      0.7175404      0.7465492    
   0.7555818      0.8274507      0.9549796       1.034820       1.078526    
 REP:            6 DIM:            4 NUMBER OF BASES:           70
            4          70
   -9.942545      -9.942070     -0.7135614     -0.5127091     -0.3953816    
  -0.2569762     -0.5496157E-02  0.1097230      0.1575782      0.2465148    
   0.3105353      0.4047911      0.4485227      0.4531293      0.4763553    
   0.4850277      0.5600762      0.6488439      0.6656025      0.7337152    
   0.8110428      0.9402047      0.9808577       1.030000       1.105739    
 REP:            7 DIM:            5 NUMBER OF BASES:           80
            5          80
   -9.942488      -9.942127     -0.6595450     -0.4869222     -0.3186715    
  -0.2144125     -0.2052547E-01  0.1355438      0.2234478      0.2350119    
   0.3204446      0.3928607      0.3957610      0.4817556      0.4930063    
   0.5036710      0.5642048      0.5714468      0.7307460      0.7358558    
   0.7466057      0.8818037      0.9426629      0.9976558       1.047811    
    1.088609       1.136037       1.226505       1.297072       1.401576    
    2.099996       2.127763       2.167014       2.206178       2.279180    
 REP:            8 DIM:            3 NUMBER OF BASES:           45
            3          45
   -9.942249     -0.5708627     -0.1140607      0.1309249      0.1794275    
   0.3661029      0.4497591      0.4917586      0.5693141      0.6491583    
   0.8200522      0.9194278      0.9646669       1.101807       1.220654    
    1.351788       1.480114       1.581128       1.767750       1.927398    
    1.952246       2.024065       2.094322       2.217394       2.285956    
 REP:            9 DIM:            3 NUMBER OF BASES:           45
            3          45
   -9.941977     -0.3861205      0.3803237E-01  0.2679375      0.3120214    
   0.4249118      0.4853449      0.5541875      0.6313738      0.6528077    
   0.8270208      0.8480218       1.054382       1.105491       1.275696    
    1.421811       1.585232       1.855841       1.955594       1.993680    
    2.065630       2.158184       2.230132       2.310101       2.441308    
 REP:           10 DIM:            1 NUMBER OF BASES:           10
            1          10
   0.6175634      0.9026151       1.484611       2.284678       2.714255    
    3.303272       3.605378       5.801911       5.971903       6.756511    
 FERMI LEVEL:  -0.1842370492849899      TEMP:   1.0000000000000000E-004
    1  REP:  1  DEG:  1  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:   -9.94281      OCC:    1.00000    
    2  REP:  2  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:   -9.94277      OCC:    1.00000    
    3  REP:  3  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:   -9.94271      OCC:    1.00000    
    4  REP:  5  DEG:  4  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:   -9.94263      OCC:    1.00000    
    5  REP:  4  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:   -9.94261      OCC:    1.00000    
    6  REP:  6  DEG:  4  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:   -9.94254      OCC:    1.00000    
    7  REP:  3  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:   -9.94252      OCC:    1.00000    
    8  REP:  7  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:   -9.94249      OCC:    1.00000    
    9  REP:  2  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:   -9.94228      OCC:    1.00000    
   10  REP:  8  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:   -9.94225      OCC:    1.00000    
   11  REP:  3  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:   -9.94219      OCC:    1.00000    
   12  REP:  4  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:   -9.94217      OCC:    1.00000    
   13  REP:  7  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:   -9.94213      OCC:    1.00000    
   14  REP:  6  DEG:  4  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:   -9.94207      OCC:    1.00000    
   15  REP:  5  DEG:  4  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:   -9.94199      OCC:    1.00000    
   16  REP:  9  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:   -9.94198      OCC:    1.00000    
   17  REP:  1  DEG:  1  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.899702      OCC:    1.00000    
   18  REP:  2  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.881106      OCC:    1.00000    
   19  REP:  3  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.845531      OCC:    1.00000    
   20  REP:  4  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.808707      OCC:    1.00000    
   21  REP:  5  DEG:  4  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.777141      OCC:    1.00000    
   22  REP:  3  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.730693      OCC:    1.00000    
   23  REP:  6  DEG:  4  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.713561      OCC:    1.00000    
   24  REP:  7  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.659545      OCC:    1.00000    
   25  REP:  2  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.651118      OCC:    1.00000    
   26  REP:  4  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.611990      OCC:    1.00000    
   27  REP:  3  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.575189      OCC:    1.00000    
   28  REP:  8  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.570863      OCC:    1.00000    
   29  REP:  1  DEG:  1  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.554970      OCC:    1.00000    
   30  REP:  6  DEG:  4  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.512709      OCC:    1.00000    
   31  REP:  7  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.486922      OCC:    1.00000    
   32  REP:  2  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.475167      OCC:    1.00000    
   33  REP:  4  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.452148      OCC:    1.00000    
   34  REP:  1  DEG:  1  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.447911      OCC:    1.00000    
   35  REP:  5  DEG:  4  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.428077      OCC:    1.00000    
   36  REP:  2  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.426330      OCC:    1.00000    
   37  REP:  3  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.408697      OCC:    1.00000    
   38  REP:  6  DEG:  4  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.395382      OCC:    1.00000    
   39  REP:  9  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.386121      OCC:    1.00000    
   40  REP:  3  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.385777      OCC:    1.00000    
   41  REP:  5  DEG:  4  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.366603      OCC:    1.00000    
   42  REP:  4  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.338346      OCC:    1.00000    
   43  REP:  3  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.329950      OCC:    1.00000    
   44  REP:  7  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.318671      OCC:    1.00000    
   45  REP:  5  DEG:  4  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.318192      OCC:    1.00000    
   46  REP:  3  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.261210      OCC:    1.00000    
   47  REP:  6  DEG:  4  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.256976      OCC:    1.00000    
   48  REP:  7  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.214412      OCC:    1.00000    
   49  REP:  2  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.154062      OCC:   0.000000E+00
   50  REP:  8  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.114061      OCC:   0.000000E+00
   51  REP:  4  DEG:  3  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.822836E-01  OCC:   0.000000E+00
   52  REP:  3  DEG:  5  SPIN:  1  ENERGY:  -0.748566E-01  OCC:   0.000000E+00

To be added: Discussion of orbital degeneracies- plot of wave functions