Abstract. Measured neutron signals relevant for plasma diagnostics on revers field experiment (RFX as part of the ITER project) is obtained by nuclear track methodology with PADC-detectors. This techniques provide the external neutron field values existing around the RFX-installation in a Tokamak configuration. The device operate in pulsed mode with a plasma current of two million ampere that provide an electronic temperature above 1.2 keV. During fusion tests the most frequently occurring reaction d(d,3He)n, Q=3.3MeV, is accompanied by fast neutrons with a characteristic and a relatively narrow distribution, peak around En = 2.45 MeV with a FWHM = 234 keV. Some of these neutrons, leaving the plasma confinement, reach the external hall and they produce a non negligible external neutron field. That is studied by differents technique such as scintillator active detectors or passive higly reliable devices. Charged particles from (n,p) and (n,a) reactions, are related to high density ion induced damage for instance in polly-allyl-diglicol carbonate (PADC), forming a latent tracks called nuclear tracks (NT). For alpha and proton particles a minimum energy is required to form a latent track and these values are Ethreshold>200keV and Ethreshold>50keV respectively. Latent tracks (damaged zones) are chemically enlarge by etching in a thermo-regulated water bath with e.g. 6.25M, KOH solution at 60oC. Nuclear tracks then are visualized under light transmission microscope (x400), and captured images by CCD camera are digitalized from that geometrical shape and density is obtained. This information provides neutron fluence spatial values. In the specific case of RFX-facility of Padova, (Italy), results indicate that neutron field in the surrounding environment change at most 40% not corrected for neutron absorbing structural or other materials. The epithermal component by far is dominant since 10B-neutron converter did not show low neutron energy component corresponding to a region < 1MeV; important information if atomic displacement (dpa) in structural matter or radiation hazard, has to be evaluated. The estimated neutron fluence for the whole campaign is given with technical details on neutron detection by NTM; we include the methodology to determine H* and Hp(10) values.
Universidad Autónoma de Hidalgo, Pachuca, Hidalgo, México
The 2015 Noel Prize in Physics was given to Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald for the resolution of the solar neutrino problem, which resulted in the theory of neutrino oscillations. The most important results of the study of these oscillations in recent years are those that involve the determination of the mixing angle theta_13. Experiments such as Double Chooz , Daya Bay and Reno have focused their efforts in making more precise measurement of this parameter, and have provided robust statistical evidence to confirm that the angle of theta_13 mixture has a non-zero value, thus opening the possibility of CP violation in the neutrino sector. In this talk we will discuss the most important aspects of reactor experiments as well as their recent results.